Saturday, February 6, 2010

In Retrospect

February 6, 2010

I'm writing this with a heavy heart. It's 5:00 am, I am losing sleep and my stomach churning over what's going on in Alfonso. My head is swirling with thoughts that I'm having difficulty putting them into words. One of the hardest thing in writing for me is to sit down and start doing it
I'm also having a lot of thoughts about the Charitable Foundation I created in the sense that it was put "on hold" due to personal setbacks my family had to attend to for the past several years which will be another story (click here). It took a tremendous toll on our emotional and financial well being and disrupted my family temporarily.

Unfortunately, the Foundation also lost its website which took me months to develop on my own to save expenses. I spent hundreds of hours learning to create a website since I am not a computer expert. After the AT&T/SBC Global merger and unmerger, the foundation domain name got lost in the transition and ended up being sold to some domain peddler in Australia. I tried to recover the domain but they now want to charge me again for something we already paid for. In principle, I figured it will be easier to start all over.

The Foundation "on hold" quit soliciting personal donations last May 2007 and was left with about $2300.00 in its account. I decided to re-direct fundraising not from individual donors from Alfonso but instead focus on other charitable groups and other generous friends and individuals who are truly supportive and believe in my integrity without question. It is a "lesson learned" in this experience that I decided to take a different path in continuing my mission.

I went thru my files this morning and and found some stuff which in the absence of the original website, provided some background information where I started. See the next blog.

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